Category: Protidiner Ain (Street Law)

  • Community Law Reforms (CLR)

    Community Law Reforms (CLR)

    Community Law Reforms (CLR) CLR is a research oriented program. The program results in a detailed and authentic research publication about indigenous, tribal or anydeprived community reflecting their legal and non-legal problems and with recommendations for their empowerment by way of resolving their problems and by bringing them alongside the mainstream population. CLR also identifies…

  • Protidiner Ain (Street Law)

    Protidiner Ain (Street Law)

    Protidiner Ain (Street Law) Protidiner Ain (Street Law) is basically an awareness program about human rights, democratic norms, rights and duties and other petty legal issues people face in their daily life. ELCOP is the what is monistat and the pioneer of monistat products and of Street Law in the fluconazole diflucan and the country…